Next ON-LINE batch of the 50 Hours Educational Course under asset class Plant and Machinery by ICAI Registered Valuers Organisation from 1st to 11th May 2025.
The ICAI Registered Valuers Organisation is a Section 8 Company formed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India to enrol and regulate registered valuers as its members in accordance with the Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017.

The course is designed as per the syllabus prescribed by Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) which is a mix of Valuation as well as Law and other related topics like, Micro and Macro-Economics, Statistics, Environmental Issues, Case Studies, etc. which is mandatory to be undertaken.

This educational course is as per 1st proviso to Rule 5 (1) of Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017 and a precondition for taking IBBI Registered Valuers Examination

The details of the ON-LINE batch of the Educational Course by ICAI Registered Valuers Organisation for the asset class ‘Plant and Machinery’ are provided below:


  • An Individual willing to register for the online classes of the 50 hours Educational Course by ICAI Registered Valuers Organisation mandatorily needs to register as a PRIMARY MEMBER of ICAI RVO. Steps for PRIMARY MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION are as follows:
    1. Go to:
    2. Click on ‘REGISTER’. PLEASE ENTER YOUR MOBILE NUMBER (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MOBILE NUMBER ENTERED HERE SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS THE REGISTERED MOBILE NUMBER FOR ALL FUTURE PURPOSE). After entering the mobile number, click on ‘Generate OTP’. You will shortly receive an OTP on your mobile number. Please enter the OTP and log in to the portal.
    3. Upon successful login, you are requested to check the eligibility criteria, fee details & refund policy and then start the registration process by filling out the Primary Membership Form & payment of Primary Membership Fee.
    4. After completing the Primary Membership Registration, including payment of fee, please go to Course Enrolment -> New Course and register for the Educational Course by making fee payment.
    5. Submission of Registration Form or payment of fees directly will not entitle you for enrolment of the Course.
    6. In case the application is incomplete, ICAI RVO has the right to reject it.
    7. In case of any issue/queries, please contact us at or call us at 0120-2975275-8 (Extn. 919)


i Graduate in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic and Communication, Electronic and Instrumentation, Production, Chemical, Textiles, Leather, Metallurgy, or Aeronautical Engineering, or Graduate in Valuation of Plant and Machinery or equivalent; or Five years
ii Post-Graduate on above courses Three years

Refer the eligibility criteria carefully at FAQ’s Issued by ICAI RVO and IBBI available at


  • The classes will be held from 1st to 11th May 2025 on the following days: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th May 2025.
  • There will be 50 hours online sessions in total.
  • Due to limited seats, the registration will be on 1ST COME 1ST SERVE BASIS.
  • A confirmation mail will be sent 48 hours (approx.) before the commencement of the batch.
  • Web link for the online session will be provided to the registered participants only.
  • Participants having a laptop/desktop with a camera and good internet bandwidth can only enroll for the Course.
  • Participants will be monitored for the hours spent during the session through the Intelligence Attendance tool.
  • Attendance is compulsory for all the classes to complete 50 hours of training.
  • Certificate of Participation will not be issued in case any session is missed by the participant.
  • In case a member misses any session of the 50-hour educational course, then he/she would be permitted to complete the pending sessions by attending a maximum number of five batches within a period of one year (the one-year period will start from the date of completion of the batch which was attended for the first time by the Primary Member). Certificate of Participation will be issued to the concerned member upon completion of pending hours as per the timeline specified above.
  • GST Tax Invoice will be issued to the participants who are holding GSTIN in their individual capacity and not in favor of Company/Firm.
  • Every participant will be given a Certificate of Participation on completion of 50 hours training.
  • Name on the Certificate of Participation will be as per your PAN Card.
  • The Educational Study material will be provided to the registered participants.
  • An Individual who is WHOLE TIME DIRECTOR/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/MANAGING DIRECTOR is not eligible to become the Registered Valuer.
  • Any individual in employment is eligible to take the course and appear for Registered Valuers Examination but will not be able to register as Registered Valuer till he/she is in employment, as per IBBI guideline.


  • The primary membership fee is ₹ 5,000 plus 18% GST= ₹ 5,900/-
  • The Educational course Fee is ₹ 15,000 plus 18% GST = ₹ 17,700/-
  • Please make the fee payments by logging onto the ICAI RVO website and completing the registration process.
  • Payment will be accepted only after registration is done through the portal. No other mode of payment will be accepted.
  • Please note that course fees deposited may be carried forward to next batch only with the approval of ICAI RVO.


Primary Membership Fee The primary membership fee is non-refundable. However, in case the applicant is found to be ineligible within the confines of the Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017, the primary membership fee shall be refunded subject to a deduction of an administrative fee of Rs. 500/- plus applicable taxes.
Educational Course Fee (Online Batch) Refundable, if informed 24 hours before the commencement of the Course


  • It is the responsibility of the participants to ascertain whether they possess the requisite qualifications and experience for enrolment in the Course.
  • Please read FAQs carefully for better clarity and clarification of your doubts.
  • Make the payment only if you are eligible for the batch.

For any further details please E-mail us at: or call us at 0120-2975275-8 (Extn. 919)